Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the office located?

The office address is 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 503 North Bethesda, MD 20852.

There is parking in the building and free parking on Marketplace Lane.

What is the best way to reach me?

I prefer that you call me on my cell phone which is 240-472-3992. You can also email me at:

How do you start with seeing clients?

I usually schedule an intake session where I meet with parents and their child. I interview them together to get information on what are the current issues and concerns. I then during that first session, meet alone with the adolescent to hear their concerns and to assess their motivation and desire for getting help. I then meet with them for a second time and make a treatment plan. Treatment usually is for the teenager to come to sessions once a week and there are times I speak to the parents about relevant issues.

How much is therapy sessions and is health insurance covered?

Therapy sessions are $170 per 50 minutes. I request clients pay me at the time of service with a check or credit card. I give an insurance form for the client to get reimbursement from their insurance company.

How long does therapy take?

Therapy is such an individual process that it depends on many factors. How motivated is the client and how serious are the concerns. Usually therapy takes at least a period of several months to a year.

How do I know if the therapy is helping my child?

Behavior change does not happen quickly. If there have been persistent problems that have been going on for a long time, then it will take time to see results. Often just starting the process creates some immediate relief. You will see results such as symptoms getting better, but there can be times when there may not appear to be changes. If you have concerns, it is always best to discuss these issues with me. Parents are always an important part of the work when I am helping a teenager. There are still issues of confidentiality which I make clear to the teen and the parents.

What approach do you use in your work?

I use the approach that is most appropriate for you individual child. Psychotherapy is not about using techniques, but developing a relationship that is trusting and where the alliance between the client and myself is ever changing and adapting. I have been trained in many approaches but some work with some individuals where others with other individuals.

Do you work with psychiatrists or other professionals?

Often the client may need the addition of medication to help them. I offer the names of several psychiatrists and work with them so we have a good plan for helping the client. Sometimes I work with schools and counselors at the schools to coordinate the client’s needs with the school.

My work and experiences with Teens.

My education and experience with teenagers has been extensive over the many years I have been working as a psychotherapist. I have studied and work with all ages of the life span. This has enabled me to see understand each developmental stage and how each stage impacts the growth of an individual. I also see therapy through the lens of family interactions and patterns. My own techniques and work with individuals is always in a state of change since I am continually learning and growing myself in both my experiences and my trainings and interests. I value my relationship in the therapy process since I recognize the struggles of being open and honest is not an easy task. I value seeing the growth of individuals and the learning that takes place from this experience.